Project Aim & Objectives

All the EnvironmentYou project actions aim in seeding an eco-friendly business culture and practice the philosophy of sustainable development to young professionals. The project’s goal is the initiation of a transition process for business operations from a “profit only” business approach to an environmental resource’ protection and enrichment process. This approach will secure the area’s environmental capital, but it will also create rigid foundations for a strong but most important, sustainable economic growth. An overall goal is to cultivate environmentally friendly business culture to youngers in the cross-region area, focusing on those who are working with soil and water, and especially those who are near or affect Natura areas.
The Strategic Objectives of the proposed project are the following:
• The establishment environmental quality principles for cross border youth SMEs.
• • The integration of sustainable development principles and environmental capital protection in the cross border productive model.
• Promotion and exchange of good practices inside Regional territory but also towards neighboring regions.
The Project specific objectives are briefly described below:
• Promoting SMEs conformation with European environmental legislation and promotion of its uniformity among the two sides of the borders.
• Seeding total quality management principles in youth SMEs.
• Decrease in energy consumption.
• Decrease in natural resources consumption.
• Advancement in management of soil and water deposits.